About the Course

Kinesics Theory is a two-section course.

The Theory course advances your understanding of biomechanics, spinal mechanics, the role of postural muscles, and the role of fascia including fascial trains, planes, tracks and movement systems. By providing this multi-disciplinary approach, you gain a strong foundation in the education and communication of the body’s functional movement patterns and the associated human movement systems.


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Learning Objectives

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Explain the role of fascia in posture and movement
  • Summarize advanced concepts in spinal mechanics
  • Explain the three primary stabilization mechanisms in the body
  • Describe the interconnections between posture and movement
  • Recognize the fascial trains, planes, tracks and movement systems
  • Recall the theory and principles necessary to apply more comprehensive treatment and training protocols within their target populations
  • Design treatment and training strategies that address common postural imbalances and movement impairments
  • Recognize the importance of human movement evaluations and re-evaluations

Included Materials

  1. Kinesics Theory Workbook
  2. Kinesics Movement Systems

Course curriculum

  • 2

    Section 1: Culture

    • Culture

  • 3

    Professional Development

    • Professional Development

    • 4 Corner Model for Success

    • QUIZ: 4 Corner Model for Success

    • Conscious to Subconscious Model

    • QUIZ: Conscious to Subconscious Model

    • 4 Section Model of Professional Development

    • QUIZ: 4 Section Model of Professional Development

    • Forming Habits and Breaking Identifiers

    • QUIZ: Forming Habits and Breaking Identifiers

    • Principles and Beliefs

    • QUIZ: Principles and Beliefs

  • 4

    Participant Development

    • Participant Development

    • Stressors, Physiological Headroom and Brain Response

    • QUIZ: Stressors, Physiological Headroom, and Brain Response

    • Training Principles, Program Ingredients and Evaluations

    • QUIZ: Training Principles, Program Ingredients, and Evaluations

  • 5

    Section 2: Principles and Concepts

    • Principles and Concepts

  • 6

    Chapter 1: General Principles and Concepts in Human Movement

    • General Principles and Concepts in Human Movement

    • 4 Transition Zones

    • QUIZ: 4 Transitional Zones

    • 5 Functional Movement Patterns

    • QUIZ: 5 Functional Movement Patterns

    • 5 Roles of Muscles

    • QUIZ: 5 Roles of Muscles

    • The Body's Natural Asymmetries

    • QUIZ: The Body’s Natural Asymmetries

    • Center of Mass Relative to Exercise

    • QUIZ: Center of Mass Relative to Exercise

    • Center of Gravity Relative to Exercise

    • QUIZ: Center of Gravity Relative to Exercise

    • How the 5 FMPs Relate to Gait

    • QUIZ: How the 5 FMPs Relate to Gait

    • Lovett Reactor Scale

    • QUIZ: Lovett Reactor Scale

    • Open and Closed Chain Exercises

    • Open and Closed Chain Exercises

    • Postural and Phasic Muscles

    • Postural and Phasic Muscles

    • Stability and Mobility Continuum

    • QUIZ: Stability and Mobility Continuum

    • Stabilization Systems (Locals and Globals)

    • QUIZ: Stabilization Systems (Locals and Globals)

  • 7

    Chapter 2: The 3 Primary Systems

    • The 3 Primary Systems

    • Scapular Thoracic X

    • QUIZ: Scapular Thoracic X

    • Intra Abdominal X

    • QUIZ: Intra Abdominal X

    • Lumbo Pelvic X

    • QUIZ: Lumbo Pelvic X

  • 8

    Chapter 3: Integrated Movement Systems

    • Integrated Movement Systems

    • Movement Systems

    • QUIZ: Movement Systems

    • Anterior Movement Systems

    • QUIZ: Anterior Movements Systems

    • Central Core Movement Systems

    • QUIZ: Central Core Movement Systems

    • Lateral Movement Systems

    • QUIZ: Lateral Movement Systems

    • Lower Leg Movement Systems

    • QUIZ: Lower Leg Movement Systems

    • Posterior Movement Systems

    • QUIZ: Posterior Movement Systems

  • 9

    Chapter 4: Spinal Engine Theory

    • Spinal Engine Theory

    • Coupled Spinal Motion

    • QUIZ: Coupled Spinal Motion

    • Importance of Corrective Exercise

    • QUIZ: Importance of Corrective Exercise

    • Importance of Evaluations

    • QUIZ: Importance of Evaluations

    • Spinal Mechanics

    • QUIZ: Spinal Mechanics

    • What is the Spinal Engine Theory

    • QUIZ: What is the Spinal Engine Theory

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    Chapter 5: Fascial Trains in Movement

    • Fascial Trains in Movement

    • What is Fascia

    • QUIZ: What is Fascia

    • What is the Biotensegrity Concept

    • QUIZ: What is Biotensegrity Concept

    • How does the Biotensegrity Concept Affect Movement

    • QUIZ: How does the Biotensegrity Concept Affect Movement

    • What are the Fascial Trains

    • QUIZ: What are the fascial trains

    • Introduction to the Planes and Trains Manual

    • QUIZ: Introduction to the Planes and Trains Manual

    • Introduction to the Tracks and Trains Manual

    • QUIZ: Introduction to the Tracks and Trains Manual

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    Chapter 6: Cardinal Lines

    • Cardinal Lines

    • Cardinal Lines and Movement

    • QUIZ: Cardinal Lines and Movement

    • What is the Superficial Front Line

    • QUIZ: What is the Superficial Front Line

    • What is the Superficial Back Line

    • QUIZ: What is the Superficial Back Line

    • What is the Lateral Line

    • QUIZ: What is the Lateral Line

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    Chapter 7: Helical Lines

    • Helical Lines

    • Helical Lines and Movement

    • QUIZ: Helical Lines and Movement

    • What is the Front Functional Line

    • QUIZ: What is the Front Functional Line

    • What is the Back Functional Line

    • QUIZ: What is the Back Functional Line

    • What are the Front Arm Lines

    • What are the Front Arm Lines

    • What is the Spiral Line

    • QUIZ: What is the Spiral Line

    • What are the Back Arm Lines

    • QUIZ: What are the back arm lines

    • What is the Deep Front Line

    • QUIZ: What is the Deep Front Line

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    Chapter 8: Movement Impairment Syndromes

    • Movement Impairment Syndromes

    • Upper Crossed Syndrome

    • QUIZ: Upper Crossed Syndrome

    • Lower Crossed Syndrome

    • What is Pronation Distortion Syndrome

    • Pronation Distortion Syndrome

    • QUIZ: Pronation Distortion Syndrome